Taxon: Malus domestica Borkh.

Genus: Malus
    Section: Malus
Family: Rosaceae
  Subfamily: Spiraeoideae
      Tribe: Pyreae
        Subtribe: Pyrinae
Nomen number: 104681
Place of publication: Theor. prakt. Handb. Forstbot. 2:1272. 1803, nom. cons. prop.
  • • "fide Telopea 9:427. 2001 an illegitimate, superfluous name (Vienna ICBN Art. 52) for M. communis Desf. (1798), i.e. based on the same type (that of Pyrus malus L.)\\\
  • • proposed for conservation (nom. cons. prop. against the homotypic and heterotypic synonyms (Vienna ICBN Art. 14) M. communis, M. pumila, and three other names"
Name Verified on: 21-Jun-2011 by ARS Systematic Botanists. Last Changed: 07-Jul-2016
Species priority site is:
Accessions: 2599 in National Plant Germplasm System (GoogleMap)


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